Decorative Leaf

Curriculum Vitae


CTESOL Certificate Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (2002)

Transworld Schools, San Francisco, California.

Master of Arts in Library and Information Sciences (2001)

School of Library and Information Science, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio.

Bachelor of Arts in English, Summa Cum Laude (1998)

Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, Virginia.

Study Abroad: Royal Holloway College, University of London. 1996-1997.


Teaching & Learning Librarian, University of Colorado Libraries, University of Colorado, Boulder.    

Interim Head, Arts & Humanities Department, 2017

Head, Teaching and Learning, 2016-

Associate Professor, 2015-

Assistant Professor, 2008- 2015.

Senior Instructor, 2006-2008.

Temporary Instructor, 2005-2006.

Librarian I, Maryland City at Russett Branch, Anne Arundel County Public Library, Laurel, MD. 2005.

English as a Second Language Instructor, English House, Castro, Chiloe, Chile. 2003-2004.

English as a Second Language Teacher Intern, Transworld Schools, San Francisco, California. 2002.

Professional Contributions & Service           

American Library Association (ALA)

Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), ALA

Student Learning and Information Literacy Coordinating Committee, 2013-present.

Information Literacy Web Site Committee. 2010-present. [member 2010-2011, co-chair 2012-2013, chair 2013-2014]

Instruction Section, ACRL, ALA

Teaching Methods Committee, 2016-2018. [member]

Instructional Technologies Committee. 2010-2015. [member]

Advisory Council. 2009-2010. [member]

Professional Education Committee. 2009-2010 [chair]

Professional Education Committee. 2007-2009. [member]


University & Institutional Service

Learning Management Evaluation Initiative, Faculty Working Group, E-Portfolio Working Group, 2016- present.

Chancellor’s Leadership Institute Advisory Board, 2015- present.

Persistence Implementation Committee, 2015- 2016.

Portfolio Implementation Group, 2015- 2016.

Provost’s Technology and Distance Group, 2013-2015.

President’s Task Force on New Technologies, 2012-2013.

OIT Desire 2 Learn Advisory Committee, 2011-2014.

ASSETT Teaching and Learning Consultant Search Committee, 2012.

ITS Strategic Plan, Supporting Teachers and Learners. Instructional Technology Services, 2010.

User Interaction Design Practicum (CSCI 4838), Client project creator and evaluator. 2007.

ITS Strategic Plan, Learning Management Systems Committee. Instructional Technology Services, 2006.

Digital and Information Literacy Committee, Program for Writing & Rhetoric. 2013-present.

Arts & Sciences Writing Prize, Judge, Program for Writing & Rhetoric,2012-2016.

First Year Course Committee,Program for Writing & Rhetoric, 2005-2011.


Search Committee Learning Coordinator, Chair.

Search Committee, Communications Manager, member.

Search Committee, Teaching and Learning Specialist, chair.

Commons 2.0 Group, 2016- present.

Instruction Working Group, 2013-present. [Chair]

Usability Working Group, 2012-2015.

Usability Task Force, 2011-2012.

Research Services Management Team- Working Group, 2009-2012.

Library Guides Task Force, 2008-2011.

Collection Development EBooks Task Force, 2008-2012.

Search Committee Member: Learning Coordinator (2016), Communications Manager (2016), Research Specialist, (2016), Government Publications and Outreach Librarian (2010), Art Research and Instruction Librarian (2009), Social Sciences Research and Instruction Librarian (2009), East Asian Reference and Instruction Librarian (2007).

Norlin Library Research Desk Task Force, 2008-2009.

Norlin Library Construction Committee, 2008-2009.

Committee on Awards, Elections, and Faculty Support, 2007-2009.

Learning Commons and Library Renovation Design Team, 2007-2008.

Digital Asset Library Training Task Force, 2006-2008.

Web Advisory Committee- Undergraduate Virtual Library Subcommittee, 2006-2007.

Bibliographers and Acquisitions Task Force, 2005-2007.

Bibliographers’ Training Program Task Force, 2005-2007.

Social Functions Committee, 2005-2007.

Research & Instruction Usability Task Force. [Chair], 2009-2011.


American Library Association

Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)

ACRL, Instruction Section

Library and Instruction Round Table

Honors, Awards, Recognition

American Library Association, Library Instruction Roundtable, Librarian Recognition Award. Awarded for an individual’s contribution to the development, advancement and support of information literacy and instruction: 2016.

University of Colorado, Boulder Faculty Assemble, Leadership Institute 2014-2014. Boulder, Colorado: 2014-2015.

American Library Association, Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT): Top Twenty Articles: 2013. Awarded for outstanding articles: Caroline Sinkinson, Stephanie Alexander, Alison Hicks and Meredith Kahn. “Guiding Design: Exposing Librarian and Student Mental Models of Research Guides.” portal: Libraries and the Academy 12:1 (2012): 63-84.

University of Colorado Libraries, Ralph E. Ellsworth Award. Awarded for outstanding contributions to the library, the university and the library profession. Boulder, Colorado: 2011.

Association of College and Research Libraries, Institute for Information Literacy Scholarship. Chicago, Illinois: 2006.[Competitive]

Kent State University, Sydney Jackson Award. Awarded for a master thesis which makes contributions to Intellectual Freedom in Librarianship. Kent, Ohio: 2001.

Kent State University, Wilson Scholarship Fund. Awarded for academic performance and accomplishment. Kent, Ohio: 2000.[Competitive]

University of Akron, Friends of the University Library Professional Educational Scholarship. Kent, Ohio: 2001/2000 .[Competitive]

Sweet Briar College, Phi Beta Kappa. Sweet Briar, Virginia: 1998.


See also Publications, Presentations, Projects.

